Zeelanda Berriko Visa Eslovakiatik

New Zealand Visa for Slovak Citizens

Zeelanda Berriko Visa Eslovakiatik
Eguneratuta May 04, 2024 | Lineako Zeelanda Berriko Visa

Zeelanda Berriko Visa Eslovakiatik

Zeelanda Berria eTA Hautagarritasuna

  • Eslovakiako herritarrek ahal dute eskatu NZeTA
  • Eslovakia NZ eTA programaren hasierako kidea izan zen
  • Slovak citizens enjoy fast entry using the NZ eTA program

Zeelanda Berriko beste eTA eskakizunak

  • Eslovakiak emandako pasaportea, Zelanda Berritik irten eta beste 3 hilabeterako balio duena
  • NZ eTA hegazkinez eta itsasontziz iristeko balio du
  • NZ eTA turismo, negozio eta igarotze bisita laburretarako da
  • 18 urte baino gehiago izan behar dituzu NZ eTA eskaera egiteko, bestela guraso / tutore bat behar da

Zeintzuk dira Zeelanda Berriko Visa Eslovakiako baldintzak?

A New Zealand eTA for Slovak citizens is required for visits up to 90 days.

Slovak passport holders can enter New Zealand on New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) for a period of 90 days without obtaining a traditional or regular Visa for New Zealand from Slovakia, under the bisa kentzeko programa that commenced in the years 2019. Since July 2019, Slovak citizens require an eTA for New Zealand.

A New Zealand Visa from Slovakia is not optional, but a mandatory requirement for all Slovak citizens traveling to the country for short stays. Zeelanda Berrira bidaiatu baino lehen, bidaiariak ziurtatu behar du pasaportearen baliozkotasuna espero den irteera data baino gutxienez hiru hilabete lehenago dagoela.

Herritar australiarrak bakarrik daude salbuetsita, baita Australiako egoiliar iraunkorrek ere Zeelanda Berriko Bidaia Baimen Elektronikoa (NZeTA) eskuratu behar dute.

Nola eska dezaket Eslovakiatik Zeelanda Berriko eTA Visa?

The eTA New Zealand Visa for Slovak citizens comprises an eskaera orria online bost (5) minutu baino gutxiagotan bete daitekeena. Azken aurpegiko argazki bat ere kargatu behar duzu. Beharrezkoa da eskatzaileek datu pertsonalak, harremanetarako datuak, hala nola posta elektronikoa eta helbidea, eta pasaportearen orrian informazioa sartzea. Eskatzaileak osasun ona izan behar du eta ez du aurrekari penalik izan behar. Hemen informazio gehiago lor dezakezu Zeelanda Berriko eTA eskaera orria.

After Slovak citizens pay the New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) fees, their eTA application processing commences. NZ eTA is delivered to Slovak citizens via email. In very rare circumstance if any additional documentation is required, the the applicant will be contact prior to approval of New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) for Slovak citizens.

New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) requirements for Slovak citizens

The New Zealand eTA requiremnts from citizens of Slovakia are minimal and simple. Following are essential:

  • Valid Slovak Pasaportea - To enter New Zealand, Slovak citizens will require a valid Pasaportea. Ziurtatu zure pasaportea Zeelanda Berritik irteten den datatik 3 hilabetez gutxienez balio duela.
  • Lineako ordainketa-metodo bat - Eskatzaileek ere egingo dute baliozko kreditu- edo zordunketa-txartel bat behar da to pay the New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA). The fee for New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) for Slovak citizens covers eTA fee and IVL (Nazioarteko Bisitarien Tasa) kuota.
  • Laneko helbide elektronikoa - Slovak citizens are also baliozko helbide elektronikoa emateko beharrezkoa da, NZeTA beren sarrera ontzian jasotzeko. Zure erantzukizuna izango da sartutako datu guztiak arretaz egiaztatzea, beraz, Zeelanda Berriko Bidaia Elektronikoko Agintaritzarekin (NZeTA) arazorik egon ez dadin, bestela NZ eTA beste bat eskatu beharko duzu.
  • Eskatzailearen aurpegiko argazkia - Azken baldintza bat edukitzea da berriki ateratako aurpegi-argazki argia pasaporte estiloan. Aurpegi-argazkia kargatu behar duzu Zelanda Berriko eTA eskaera-prozesuaren barruan. Arrazoiren batengatik ezin baduzu kargatu, egin dezakezu posta elektronikoko laguntza-zerbitzua zure argazkia.
Australiako egoiliar iraunkorrak ordaintzetik salbuetsita daude IVL (Nazioarteko Bisitarien Tasa) kuota.
Slovak citizens who have a passport of an additional nationality need to make sure they apply with the same passport they travel with, as the New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) will be directly associated with the passport that was mentioned at the time of application.

How long can Slovak citizen stay on New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA)?

Slovak citizen's departure date must be within 3 months of arrival. Additionally, Slovak citizen can visit only for 6 months in a 12 month period on an NZ eTA.

How long can a Slovak citizen stay in New Zealand on a New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA)?

Slovak passport holders are required to obtain a New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) even for a short duration of 1 day up to 90 days. If the Slovak citizens intend to stay for a longer duration, then they should apply for a relevant Visa depending on their circumstances.

Zeelanda Berrira bidaiatu Eslovakiatik

Upon receiving the New Zealand Visa for Slovak citizens, travelers will be able to either present an electronic or paper copy to present to New Zealand border and immigration.

Can Slovak citizens enter multiple times on New Zealand Electronic Travel Authorization (NZeTA)?

New Zealand Visa for Slovak citizens is valid for multiple entries during the period of its validity. Slovak citizens can enter multiple times during the two year validity of the NZ eTA.

Which activies are not allowed for Slovak citizens on New Zealand eTA?

Zeelanda Berriko eTA askoz errazagoa da aplikatzearekin alderatuta Zeelanda Berriko Bisitari Visa. Prozesua guztiz linean burutu daiteke minutu gutxiren buruan. Zeelanda Berriko eTA 90 eguneko bisitak egiteko erabil daiteke turismo, garraio eta negozio bidaietarako.

Zeelanda Berriak estaltzen ez dituen jarduera batzuk behean zerrendatzen dira, eta kasu horretan, Zeelanda Berriko Visa eskatu beharko zenuke.

  • Zeelanda Berrira bisita mediku tratamendua egiteko
  • Lana - Zeelanda Berriko lan merkatuan sartzeko asmoa duzu
  • Estudio
  • Egoitza - Zelanda Berriko egoiliarra bihurtu nahi duzu
  • 3 hilabete baino gehiagoko iraupen luzeko egonaldiak.

Galdera arruntak

Finally, my NZeTA is approved, what are the items that I can take to New Zealand?

You cannot bring items that are considered in the biosecurity list of New Zealand. If you are found bringing those listed you will help to pass through many checks and even losing of those items.

To apply for the NZeTA, what is the fee and how long does the NZeTA process take?

The NZeTA application fees are different for different countries. For information about the fees you have to check the official website. The time taken to get your approval mostly takes 72 hours, but again it depends upon whether you have qualified the checks, they do a thorough checking before accepting or rejecting it.

How to go forward with the NZeTA application process?

The process is simple, just visit the online application page, fill out the details properly and click on the submit button and pay the required fees (processing fee, Tourism Levy and International Visitor Conservation) Provide personal information about yourself correctly, passport details and why you are planning for this trip. But while filing the form make sure to fill it accurately, scan all your documents beforehand to upload.

Can I help to fill the NZeTA form for some other person?

You can help someone to fill the NZeTA form, provided you have all the personal information of that person, his data, passport details, travel information, etc.

Any age limit for applying for NZeTA?

There is no age limit for NZeTA application, even an infant who is traveling with his parents from a visa-waiver country needs to have a NZeTA.

Egin klik hemen gehiagoren erantzunak lortzeko NZeTAri buruz maiz egiten diren galderak

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Level 10, Price Waterhouse Coopers Tower, 188 Quay Street, Auckland 1010, PO Box 7359, Auckland 1141 Zeelanda Berria


+ 64 9--303 0338-


+ 64 9--366 5111-

Mesedez, eska ezazu Zeelanda Berriko eTA 72 hegaldia baino lehenago.