New Zealand Visa los ntawm Lithuania

New Zealand Visa rau Lithuanian Citizens

New Zealand Visa los ntawm Lithuania
Tshaj tawm rau Apr 15, 2024 | Online Indian Visa

New Zealand Visa los ntawm Lithuania

New Zealand eTA Kev Tsim Nyog

  • Cov pej xeem Lithuanian tuaj yeem ua tau thov rau NZeTA
  • Lithuania yog tus tswv cuab tsim tawm ntawm NZ eTA program
  • Cov pej xeem Lithuanian nyiam nkag mus sai siv NZ eTA program

Lwm yam New Zealand eTA Requirements

  • Daim ntawv hla tebchaws Lithuania uas siv tau rau lwm 3 lub hlis tom qab tawm ntawm New Zealand
  • NZ eTA siv tau rau huab cua thiab nkoj nkoj
  • NZ eTA yog rau cov kev ncig ua si luv luv, kev lag luam, chaw hla mus los
  • Koj yuav tsum muaj tshaj 18 xyoo thov rau NZ eTA txwv tsis pub niam txiv / tus neeg saib xyuas hloov

Dab tsi yog cov cai ntawm New Zealand Visa los ntawm Lithuania?

Lub New Zealand eTA rau cov pej xeem Lithuanian yuav tsum tau mus ntsib mus txog 90 hnub.

Lithuanian phau ntawv hla tebchaws tuaj yeem nkag mus rau New Zealand ntawm New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) rau lub sijhawm 90 hnub yam tsis tau txais daim ntawv hla tebchaws lossis tsis tu ncua rau New Zealand los ntawm Lithuania, nyob rau hauv kev zam daim ntawv qhia vixaj uas tau pib xyoo 2019. Txij li thaum Lub Xya Hli 2019, cov pej xeem Lithuanian xav tau eTA rau New Zealand.

New Zealand Visa los ntawm Lithuania tsis yog xaiv tau, tab sis qhov yuav tsum tau muaj rau txhua tus pej xeem Lithuanian mus rau lub tebchaws kom nyob luv luv. Ua ntej taug kev mus rau New Zealand, tus neeg taug kev xav tau kom ntseeg tau tias siv tau ntawm phau ntawv hla tebchaws tsawg kawg yog peb lub hlis dhau hnub uas xav tias yuav tawm mus tsev.

Tsuas yog Cov Neeg Pej Xeem Neeg Xam Xaj thiaj raug zam, txawm tias cov neeg nyob ruaj khov hauv tebchaws Australia yuav tsum tau txais daim ntawv tso cai hla tebchaws New Zealand Electronic (NZeTA).


Kuv tuaj yeem thov li cas rau eTA New Zealand Visa los ntawm Lithuania?

eTA New Zealand Visa rau Lithuanian pej xeem suav nrog online daim ntawv thov uas tuaj yeem ua tiav hauv tsawg dua tsib (5) feeb. Koj kuj tseem yuav tsum tau xa daim duab ntsej muag tsis ntev los no. Nws yog qhov tsim nyog rau cov neeg thov nkag mus rau tus kheej cov ntaub ntawv, lawv cov ntaub ntawv tiv tauj, xws li email thiab chaw nyob, thiab cov ntaub ntawv ntawm lawv nplooj ntawv hla tebchaws. Tus neeg thov yuav tsum muaj kev noj qab haus huv thiab yuav tsum tsis txhob muaj keeb kwm txhaum cai. Koj tuaj yeem tau txais cov ntaub ntawv ntxiv ntawm New Zealand eTA Daim Ntawv Thov Daim Ntawv Thov Kev Pab Daim Ntawv Qhia.

Tom qab cov pej xeem Lithuanian them tus nqi New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA), lawv daim ntawv thov eTA pib. NZ eTA yog xa mus rau cov pej xeem Lithuanian ntawm email. Hauv qhov xwm txheej tsawg heev yog xav tau cov ntaub ntawv ntxiv, tus neeg thov yuav raug hu ua ntej kev pom zoo los ntawm New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) rau cov pej xeem Lithuanian.

New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) yuav tsum muaj rau cov pej xeem Lithuanian

Txhawm rau nkag mus rau New Zealand, cov pej xeem Lithuanian yuav xav tau qhov siv tau Daim Ntawv Ncig Tebchaws or Passport txhawm rau thov rau New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA). Xyuas kom meej tias koj daim Passport siv tau tsawg kawg 3 lub hlis dhau los ntawm hnub tawm ntawm New Zealand.

Cov neeg thov yuav tsum xav tau ib daim credit lossis Debit card uas siv tau them nyiaj rau New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA). Tus nqi rau New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) rau Lithuanian pej xeem suav nrog eTA tus nqi thiab IVL (International Visitor Levy) nqi. Cov pej xeem Lithuanian kuj yog yuav tsum muab lub chaw nyob email, kom tau txais NZeTA hauv lawv lub inbox. Nws yuav yog koj lub luag haujlwm kom ua tib zoo saib ob zaug tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv nkag mus kom tsis muaj teeb meem nrog New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA), txwv tsis pub koj yuav tau thov rau lwm NZ eTA. Qhov kawg yuav tsum tau muaj Tsis ntev los no coj lub ntsej muag-daim duab hauv daim ntawv hla tebchaws-style. Koj yuav tsum xa daim duab ntsej muag ua ib feem ntawm New Zealand eTA daim ntawv thov txheej txheem. Yog tias koj tsis tuaj yeem upload rau qee yam, koj tuaj yeem ua tau email helpdesk koj daim duab.

Cov pej xeem Lithuanian uas muaj daim ntawv hla tebchaws ntawm lwm haiv neeg yuav tsum tau ua kom paub tseeb tias lawv thov nrog tib daim ntawv hla tebchaws uas lawv mus nrog, raws li New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) yuav ncaj qha cuam tshuam nrog daim ntawv hla tebchaws uas tau hais thaum lub sijhawm thov.

Ntev npaum li cas cov pej xeem Lithuanian tuaj yeem nyob hauv New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA)?

Cov pej xeem Lithuanian hnub tawm mus yuav tsum yog tsis pub dhau 3 lub hlis tom qab tuaj txog. Ib qho ntxiv, cov neeg pej xeem Lithuanian tuaj yeem mus ntsib tsuas yog 6 lub hlis hauv 12 lub hlis nyob rau ntawm NZ eTA.

Ntev npaum li cas tus pej xeem Lithuanian nyob hauv New Zealand ntawm New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA)?

Lithuanian passport holders are required to obtain a New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) even for a short duration of 1 day up to 90 days. If the Lithuanian citizens intend to stay for a longer duration, then they should apply for a relevant Visa depending on their circumstances.

Taug kev mus rau New Zealand los ntawm Lithuania

Thaum tau txais New Zealand Visa rau cov pej xeem Lithuanian, cov neeg taug kev tuaj yeem tuaj yeem nthuav qhia cov ntawv hluav taws xob lossis ntawv los nthuav qhia rau New Zealand ciam teb thiab kev nkag tebchaws.

Cov pej xeem Lithuanian puas tuaj yeem nkag tau ntau zaus hauv New Zealand Kev Tso Cai Siv Hluav Taws Xob (NZeTA)?

New Zealand Visa for Lithuanian citizens is valid for multiple entries during the period of its validity. Lithuanian citizens can enter multiple times during the two year validity of the NZ eTA.

Cov haujlwm twg tsis raug tso cai rau cov pej xeem Lithuanian ntawm New Zealand eTA?

New Zealand eTA yog qhov yooj yim dua los thov piv rau New Zealand Visitor Visa. Cov txheej txheem tuaj yeem ua tiav hauv online hauv ob peb feeb. New Zealand eTA tuaj yeem siv rau kev mus ntsib mus txog 90 hnub rau kev ncig xyuas, kev mus ncig thiab kev mus ncig ua lag luam.

Qee qhov kev ua haujlwm tsis suav nrog New Zealand tau teev tseg hauv qab no, qhov twg koj yuav tsum thov rau New Zealand Visa.

  • Mus ntsib New Zealand rau kev kho mob
  • Ua Haujlwm - koj npaj siab koom nrog New Zealand ua lag luam ua lag luam
  • Txoj kev tshawb no
  • Chaw Nyob - koj xav ua ib tug neeg nyob hauv New Zealand
  • Lub sijhawm nyob ntev tshaj li 3 lub hlis.

Cov Lus Nquag Nug txog NZeTA

Wondering, what stuff you can take to New Zealand on an NZeTA tourist trip?

New Zealand has firm rules to save its flora and fauna. Some items, like obscene material and dog tracking collars, are a definite no-no.

Things related to farming get a lot of attention, so it's best not to bring them. If you do, you must tell them at the border.

New Zealand takes this precautionary measure to protect its bio-security. With more trade and economic ties, new pests and diseases are risky. It can affect peoples health and can lead to extra medical expenses. Sectors like farming, forests, tourism, and reputation in world trade can suffer.

The Ministry for Primary Industries states that visitors must tell them if they have these items:

  • Any foodstuff
  • Plant parts (alive or dead)
  • Animals (alive or dead) or parts from them
  • Stuff used on animals
  • Camping gear, mountain climbing shoes, golf clubs, and used bikes
  • Stuff collected from nature

How much is the NZeTA and how long does it take to process?

For the exact cost of the NZeTA, it will be best to check our website as it changes based on your country. The NZeTA generally takes 72 hours to process. Many times, it might get done sooner than this too.

For the NZeTA application, you need to be handy with the following list:

  • A passport that's valid for your New Zealand travel
  • Your credit card or debit card, either Visa or Mastercard
  • An email address. Quite simple, right?
  • Last but not least, a photo of yourself or a device that can click one.

11 Yam Yuav Tsum Ua thiab Qhov Chaw Txaus Siab rau Cov Neeg Lij Choj Lithuanian

  • Mus kiwi pom ntawm Stewart Island
  • Tshawb xyuas lub nroog hluav taws kub, Mt Eden
  • Nce toj Queenstown toj rau xibfwb los yog hnub poob
  • Mus Steampunk hauv Oamaru
  • Clamber ncig Castle Hill
  • Half-Day Wellington Kev Taw Qhia Kev Taw Qhia Tus Kheej Fais Fab Kev Ncig Xyuas Tsheb kauj vab
  • Trike ncig Dunedin
  • Tau txais daim duab nrog Split Apple Rock, Abel Tasman
  • Au khub hauv New Zealand
  • Mus saib Mount Doom hauv Tongariro National Park
  • Mus caij nkoj ncig lub Bay Islands

Consulate ntawm koom pheej ntawm Lithuania


chaw nyob

Qib 1 99 Parnell Road, Parnell, Auckland 1052

xov tooj

+ 64-29-296-8938


+ 64-9-366-0450

Thov rau thaj chaw tshiab New Zealand eTA 72 teev ua ntej ntawm koj lub davhlau.